Price Calculator


Price Calculator

The price calculator is a nifty tool within Lynx that can calculate the total price, or gallons, for a delivery. This can come in handy for calculating pre-buy deposits when creating pre-buy contracts, or if a customer wants to know how many gallons of propane they can purchase with a given amount of money.

The price calculator can be found within the tank(s) tab of a customer's account.


To find the customer use one of the following methods: Methods of Finding a Customer

From the customer's account screen. . .

1. Left-click on the Tanks Tab tab

2. Left-click on the Price Check button

For a visual aid demonstrating how to get to the price calculator, click here.

3. This will display the price calculator:

Price Calculator


To calculate the total price:

4a. Set the price calculator to "Total Price"

Total Price

5a. Enter in the amount of gallons you wish be calculated

6a. Lynx will pull the price from the tank's default product, or you can enter your own

7a. Left-click the Calculate Total button button if the total is not updating on its own

8a. Lynx will add any taxes and fees that would apply for this customer/tank and calculate the total:

Total Price example


To calculate the total gallons:

4b. Set the price calculator to "Gallons"

Total Price

5b. Enter in the total

6b. Lynx will pull the price from the tank's default product, or you can enter your own

7b. Left-click the Calculate Gallons button button

8b. Lynx will add any taxes and fees that would apply for this customer/tank and calculate how many gallons could be purchased:

Total Gallons example


9. Once you are finished, you can also use the Request fuel button button to set this tank's delivery status to "Short Fill Request" for the amount of gallons you have entered in the price calculator or left-click the close button to return to the Lynx Main Menu