Overview of Period-end Billing

At the end of each accounting period (which is monthly for most businesses) you will want to do your period-end billing and prepare statements. This involves six separate processes involving a couple of dozen separate steps and options in the Period-end Billing procedure. Here's how it all starts.


From the Lynx Main Menu . . .

1. Left-click on Bookkeeping.

2. A drop down menu will appear

3. Left-click on Accounts Receivable.

4. Left-click on Period-end Billing.

5. This will display the Period-end Billing window.

6. The Period-end Billing procedure consists of six steps. For specific help on how each of these work, left-click on any of the following: 

  1. Generate Rental Charges
  2. Generate Finance Charges
  3. Roll-Up All Invoices
  4. Add Messages to Statements
  5. Prepare Statements
  6. Print Statements

The idea is to go through these six steps in this sequence (from tab to tab, left to right) to complete the entire Period-end process.