When you first begin using Lynx, it may take awhile to get used to "how things work". This is totally understandable and is true of virtually any software system. An extensive "Help System" is built into Lynx, of course, but some people like to have printed reference information also available.
That's what the "Quick Reference Cards" are all about. If this fits your style, then the "cards" are a handy way of rapidly giving you a snapshot of how to perform basic system functions. They don't cover everything by any means, just the most common tasks.
The Quick Reference Cards are not a replacement for the "Lynx Help System". They're simply a quick and simplified way to help you get started. You'll soon outgrow them as you continue to use the system and become more proficient. In the meantime, they may help.
Here's how this works . . .
1. Listed below are the various Quick Reference Cards available.
2. Click on the one you want to use and that card will be displayed.
3. Left-click the button and print out the reference card.
Note: Use a color Laser or Ink Jet printer for best results.
4. After you've printed the first one, left-click the button to return to this topic. Pick the next Quick Reference Card and print it. Keep repeating this process until you've printed all the cards you want.
Note: If these pages are going to be handled a lot, you might want to laminate them or use clear plastic sheet protectors.
Here's the list of available Quick Reference Cards: