Here's how to generate graphs about your customer accounts. The graphs will be "previewed" on the screen first and can then be printed.
From the Lynx Main Menu . . .
1. On the Menu Bar, left-click on Reports or left-click the button.
2. In either case, a drop-down menu will appear.
3. Left-click on Customer Graphs.
There's also a third way to print customer reports. On the Menu Bar, left-click on Customers and then left-click on Customer Graphs.
4. The Company Graphs window will now be displayed..
5. Choose the graph you want.
6. Left-click the button.
7. Choose the graph options you want.
8. Left-click the button to preview the graph on your screen.
9. Left-click the print button to print the graph . . . or
10. Left-click the button when you're done.