Print Customer Graphs

Here's how to generate graphs about your customer accounts. The graphs will be "previewed" on the screen first and can then be printed.



From the Lynx Main Menu . . .

1. On the Menu Bar, left-click on Reports or left-click the button.

2. In either case, a drop-down menu will appear.

3. Left-click on Customer Graphs.

There's also a third way to print customer reports. On the Menu Bar, left-click on Customers and then left-click on Customer Graphs.


4. The Company Graphs window will now be displayed..

5. Choose the graph you want.

6. Left-click the button.

7. Choose the graph options you want.

8. Left-click the button to preview the graph on your screen.

9. Left-click the print button to print the graph . . . or

10. Left-click the button when you're done.